Friday, 27 March 2015

One of those days

I don't just allow chaos in, I invite her to stay and have a coffee. This morning, she decided to REALLY involve herself in our family. And I kid you not, if this doesn't make you think your chaotic morning was a walk in the park, nothing will.....

The first thing to go missing was Master Seven's school bag, which isn't a hard concept to fathom given how many boxes and how little lounge room we have at the moment (four days till move day). We looked... no bag. Maybe it was in the lounge room amongst the boxes, and we just couldn't see it? Looked bag. Of course, this game of hide and seek happened to be kicking off right at the time we needed to leave the house. In desperation, I picked up a bag that was already packed with overnight items for the move, emptied it so it could be converted to the school bag for the day. There must have been something in that process that triggered my memory (annoyingly so, why not before I undid some of that precious packing?) for it was then that I remembered where the real school bag had been hiding.

Retrieving the school bag from under the pile of washing, I realised that the clean washing (unfolded, of course - you didn't expect me to have that done, did you?) had been tipped out in the boys' frantic expedition to locate clean socks for the day. Phew, now are we ready to leave?

Not quite yet! All in the car and ready to drive, and my phone has now joined the game. Miss Nearlyfifteen rang it from hers and I deduced, with my amazing powers of investigative deduction, that the absence of ringtone meant I'd left it inside.

Only 10 minutes late now, I dashed across the front lawn, opened the door and then tried to recollect the last place I remembered having it. (Seriously, on a day like today I'm trusting my short term memory??) Light bulb moment - I'll call it. Ba-Bow. Landline has no dial tone so either the provider has had a momentary lapse of service or there was something unplugged. No time to deal with it now, so I made a mental note to have a look later that day. (Seriously, on a day like today I'm trusting my short term memory??)

In the pacing I discovered a tiny fragment of fluro green in, yep, you guessed it - the washing pile. Where all good things go to hide. I must have left it when we were hunting for socks, or the school bag, or both. I grabbed it, made a similar mad dash to the car. Get into the driver's, where are the keys?

Locked in the house! Thankfully we had a spare so I went on the fourth hunt for the morning. Where were the keys? Yep,  you guessed it, IN THE WASHING PILE. (Well, actually they were on the kitchen bench, but that made you laugh, right?)

Thankfully, after the keys were retrieved, the phone restored to its rightful place on my dash and all things (including children because you never know) were present and accounted for. Driving down the road and another thought sprang into my head. (No wonder my short term memory is shot to pieces! It is being pushed out of my brain with all these random thoughts.) I ask Master Thirteen if he remembered the plastic cups that he had previously begged me (and emailed so I wouldn't forget) to buy for a class party. Of course not!

Around the block, back in the house (I double checked the keys this time), cups retrieved, bag/socks/keys/phone verified and we were on our way....for good this time.

I wonder if Chaos would mind if she's now uninvited? Or maybe I should just ask her to fold my washing?

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