Thursday, 18 June 2015

To write or not to write?

The act of writing is a delicate balance. There needs to be the time to think and process - time to formulate a story around a funny moment or an event that has happened. Although, sometimes the busier I get, the more I feel compelled to write. Not sure why, but perhaps there are more stories to be told when there's more chance for chaos. Though being too busy can result in not enough time to write and so the cycle continues.

I'm not sure I've found the balance yet. The chaos of moving house gave me many inspirations for blog posts, though when life settled down a bit and I had time to write, I found it hard to find things to write about.

Now, after living the life of a kept woman for two and half months (I can hear the such thing as a 'kept woman' when there are children to get to school!), I have been catapulted back into the land of the working mum. A financial necessity at this stage of our family's journey, I found a part time job as a medical receptionist with a lovely team in a medical diagnostic clinic. Having not worked in this industry before, there is a steep learning curve. Gargantuan. I know nothing, but having fun learning.

So will I keep up with blogging? Who knows? The eight hour days are a hard slog, and enjoyable as this job is so far, I'm sure the time away from home will take its toll in some way or another. The flip side is, the ensuing chaos might give me more fodder for funny stories and I may need the occasional break from using numbers and acronyms as a form of communication.

I have adored writing so far - thank you for being a patient audience! It has been such a great place to process the events taking place in our family's journey this year.

And you never know, life might get chaotic enough again that I just have to write about it.